Tuesday, May 27, 2014

War ... What is it good for ...

A Dressed House for Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day here in the US so it is a public holiday ... much like ANZAC day in NZ. There was a parade in Windsor ... a small one, the local school band was playing, a scout troop, returned servicemen and a few others in the parade that I did not recognise ... the locals came out to watch, the parade stopped the traffic for a while on the main street as a trumpeter played Taps. Windsor is a small town ... more of a village really and so the commemoration was small.

I started thinking about War ... as I do each ANZAC day in NZ ... I thought about the people, men, women, children and communities that have been affected by war. The men and women who went to war believing that they were going to change the world ... or win a war ... that their contribution was going to make a difference in some way.

Pete's Grandfather died in WW2 ... I wonder if that was the reason Syd ... Pete's Father decided to go to war and lied about his age so he could. I am not aware of any family members close to me that have gone to war and died. I am sure there are, but I do not know of them, maybe I have not been listening enough. I have not felt strongly enough about anything that I would die for ... except my children. I am aware that I possibly have a rather romantic view of all of this and that in some parts of the world there is no choice about serving in the Armed Forces. But I am moved by their commitment to a cause that could possibly end in their death.

There are no winners in war ... we are all losers! But I believe it is important to remember those who have died ... not only those who have died, but those who loved them, those who grieve their loss and the loss of a future and dreams. Today I feel like war is everywhere ... it is so sensationalised that I wonder if we have become numb to it and to the pain that is the outcome of war ... the destruction of peoples lives and communities? I look at our Grandchildren and I wonder what sort of world will they live in and what sort of wars will be fought in their lifetime. I wish a world of peace for them, a world where there is compassion, beauty and acceptance in difference ... a world where they feel safe ... no matter where they are.

We have had a very peaceful Memorial Day ... we enjoyed the company of the Larson Family and friends. The weather was pleasant, we started the day with a tandem ride and finished the day going on a Beaver Hunt with Lars and Roxcy round the lake ... we saw 4 Beaver ... again. I am so grateful we started our trip here. We are having such a relaxing time and I love our nightly walks round Lake Runnemede and watching and listening to the wildlife that lives there.

Here are some photos of plants that I think are beautiful ... so alive ... so peaceful ...
Perfection ... Reminds me of NZ
Green Goes with Everything
Bee at Work

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