Sunday, November 1, 2015

I'm Back

I have really missed keeping a blog since we have been home, which has surprised me. I did not realise how much I enjoyed writing ... particularly writing about our travels. Or maybe I miss our adventures and having something really interesting to say. Anyway I have decided to start again. I am pretty sure our lives will not be so interesting but I enjoy writing about them ... after all it is all about 'me'!

Life back home has been up and down. Adjusting back to the everyday ho hum has not always been easy. Coming back to winter has not been fun! Starting back at work ... me starting my own practice and Pete getting back into teaching and consulting again has been stressful at times. Trying to get the right balance between work and life is not easy. I think we are starting to make some progress. Pete is getting more clear about the sort of work he wants to do and my practice is building slowly. I have a website that lucy helped me put together. There are so many funky designs out there, I found it quite inspiring. I have three couples I am seeing... I love my work!! I am earning money ... not necessarily making money yet, but covering my costs, which is a good start. Having my own practice was always something that I wanted and was part of my plan for my professional future and now I am doing it. Sometimes I find myself thinking, 'I am actually doing this!' There is some anxiety and fear at times, but mostly I enjoy what I am doing.

Pete is loving working in our garden and I love watching him. He seems so relaxed and happy creating an environment that he enjoys looking at and working in. I did not realise that Pete was that kind of guy ... but he is and I love watching him spend time building something that he enjoys ... he loves the flowers and the colour of spring and is most content working in his garden.

There are many things about aging that are difficult, uncomfortable, confronting and at times depressing but there are also some wonderful things about getting older. Slowing down is one, being content with the simple things of life and even noticing them. Not being rushed, or over extended ... are just some of the things that this time of life offers us if we wish to notice.

Anyway enough of that ... we have just returned from the yearly Tranz Alpine Lotus Car Club Rally. The weather was perfect and the landscape was breathtaking. NZ is beautiful!! I loved seeing Pete enjoy his car ... we have met some interesting people over the last 3 years that we have attended ... all Lotus enthusiasts. Here are our photos.

On the road again ... early Saturday morning heading down to Omarama. Pete's pride and joy! Not me the car.

We stopped of in Fairlie for a pie ... oh my word these are the best pies in the whole wide world. We had heard they were good and they are. Mike you have to come home and try one.

Mount Cook looking over Lake Pukaki ... the colour is breathtaking. Rich and Paula Vial are coming out to NZ from the States in January and I can't wait to show them this! 

 Here are all the Lotus' lined up for a photo shoot our one is in the front row at the end. 

Pete and Allisdair Lamont looking over our Lotus. Our little car was built in 1991 and I think we bought it in about 2004 just before Mike came home of his mission. Allisdair went to school with Rob ... these 2 had a lot of fun reminiscing over old times. 

This is my favourite ... I think this car is so sexy!! Of course it was built in the 70s and I am a 70s girl. I love the colour.

Travelling back in convoy ... coming up to Twizel ... Mike this a road trip for you and Chris to do in the Lotus when you are next in NZ ... which is soon I hope.

Driving round by Lake Pukaki 

Driving towards Mt Cook ... my hope is that these photos will make Mike homesick enough to come back to NZ for a summer with his family.

Not only is NZ the most beautiful country in the world ... but we are now officially the best Rugby Team in the world. The ABs did us proud. Pete watched this with the rest of the Lotus drivers early Sunday Morning. A historic day for NZ rugby. I feel proud to be a NZr!

This perfect little girl has been keeping us busy and awake at night since our return. Meet Marigold ... she is the most beautiful Marigold in the whole wide world and we love her heaps. We miss her dreadfully ... she is visiting family in the States and we cant wait to see her again. 

Meet Livia ... she was born a few weeks ago ... isn't she lovely, isn't she beautiful (in the words of Stevie Wonder). Livia is coming to stay with us with her big sister Elizabeth and Mum and Dad over Christmas and we are very, very, excited to get to know her. There will be lots of playing with Elizabeth, reading, bathing with cousin Marigold. We are going to have the best Christmas with these wonderful little people running around and ruling our lives. Is there any other way to have Christmas or a summer holiday?


  1. So enjoyed the update and photos as usual tell it all. What an awesome fun trip!!

  2. I love hearing the excitement in your voice as you write Liz. Of course you continue the adventure .... your life lived so lovingly is always more interesting than ytpu may realise and inspiring to all who have he pleasure of reading your blog....I love what you say about getting older....xoxo
    So proud snd excited for you in your own business Liz. I know you will be successful ��. Keep sharing your wisdom and loving what you do. Miss you xo Chris

  3. Sorry about the typos....the ? were in fact a smiley...
